To learn more about a particular rate, download a description (PDF) of it’s availability and charges below.
For your convenience, we also have our schedule of rates .
For additional rate information visit:
- Historical PGA Billing Factors - Historic PGA Billing Factors
- Interruptible Standard Offer - Interruptible service is available to SCG's dual-fuel commercial and industrial customers, as well as qualifying residential multi-dwelling customers
2022 On-Main and System Expansion Rates
- 2022 Rate Schedules
Rules and Regulations
Review the Rules and Regulations that apply to all gas rates, appliance leases, and the supply of gas service, effective January 1, 2018.
Appendix A to Rules and Regulations
Appendix B to Rules and Regulations
Appendix C to Rules and Regulations
Load Curtailment Plan
The Load Curtailment Plan will be implemented in the event of a shortfall in gas supply, effective January 1, 2018.
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