Matching Payment Program

Matching Payment Program

Our Matching Payment Program may help you manage your gas bill. With this program, we will match the payments you make to your outstanding, past-due gas utility bill when you make your required payments.

Here is what you need to do to be eligible1 for and participate in the Matching Payment Program.


Phase 1 - Enrolling is easy

  1. Call 2-1-1 or visit to find your local Community Action Agency.
  2. Apply for, qualify and receive energy assistance.
  3. Enroll in our Matching Payment Program. Assistance begins on November 1.
  4. Make your required monthly budgeted utility payment(s) on time each month until May 1.

You will receive a matching payment in May equal to the amount you have paid to your account between November 1 - May 1, down to a zero balance.

Phase 2 - Continue making payments

  1. Continue making required monthly budgeted utility payment(s) on time each month.
  2. If you’ve made all your monthly payments on time by October 31, you are eligible for a second matching payment in November.

Complete Phase 2 and receive a second matching payment in November that will equal the amount you have paid to your account during Phase 2 of the program period (May 2 through October 31), down to a zero balance.



Be sure to make your budgeted payments on time throughout the year to receive the Matching Payment Program benefits.

For more information call 800.659.8299.


1 Must be an SCG residential customer with an income at or below 60% of the state median income, whose primary heat source is gas.

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